Cleveland Alumnae Panhellenic Endowment Fund

The Cleveland Alumnae Panhellenic Endowment Fund (CAPEF) was established in 1985 as a 501(C)(3) Private Foundation by the Internal Revenue Service which allows us to provide greater protection and oversight to manage the scholarship funds of the Cleveland Alumnae Panhellenic Association.

This means we are a non-profit organization which is solely established for charitable and/or educational purposes. Along with being exempt from Federal Income tax, donations made to CAPEF are tax deductible which is a huge fundraising benefit.

CAPEF provides local area sorority women the opportunity to access scholarship money for their educational endeavors either undergraduate or graduate. The first recorded scholarships given in 1955 were for $200 each. As of today in 2021, we have increased the amount considerably to $2000 each.

CAPA 2023 Spring Scholarship Luncheon
2024 Spring Scholarship Luncheon
2024 Spring Scholarship Luncheon
2024 Spring Scholarship Luncheon
CAPA 2023 Spring Scholarship Luncheon